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Influenza (flu) can be a serious illness especially in those with weakened immune systems or are too young to receive the flu vaccine. Take steps to protect yourself and those in our community by getting your annual flu vaccine. The vaccine in combination with good hygiene habits will help keep you and those you love healthy this flu season.  

Flu Prevention 

  1. Get your flu shot 
  2. Wash hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer 
  3. Cover coughs and sneezes (then wash your hands) 
  4. Stay at home if you are sick 
  5. Keep sick children home from school/daycare

Flu Shots 

Registration Forms:

Vaccine Consent Form Vaccine Information Statement Vaccine Consent Form Spanish Vaccine Information Statement Spanish

Each clinic location has flu shots available for patients 6 months and older. We accept private pay and most insurances.


Yankton Medical Clinic, P.C.

1104 W. 8th St., Yankton, SD

Flu shots are available to persons 6 months and up. Please bring your completed vaccine form (available for download by clicking button above) and a copy of your insurance card. A variety of appointment options are available in 2024 at the Yankton clinic. 

Tuesday Flu Shot Clinic: Every Tuesday, from October 1st through November 12th, (excluding October 22nd for our drive-thru clinic)we are offering a flu shot clinic from 3pm-5pm. Walk-ins are accepted, but appointments are preferred. You may schedule by clicking the self-schedule button here. Click Here! 

Saturday Flu Shot Clinic: Saturday October 12th and November 2nd, from 9am-12noon. Again, Walk-ins are accepted, but appointments are preferred. You may schedule by clicking the self-schedule button here. Click Here!

Drive-Thru Flu Shot Clinic: This year, our drive-thru flu shot clinics are October 2nd from 3-6pm and October 22nd from 3-6pm.

The Yankton Medical Clinic Pharmacy also has flu shots available to persons 18 years and older on a walk-in basis.

Wednesday 5:30pm-8 pm
Friday 5:30pm-8 pm
Saturday 1-4 pm
Or by appointment

Vermillion Medical Clinic

101 S. Plum St., Vermillion, SD

Drive thru Flu Shot Clinics in 2024: October 10th from 1-4pm and October 23rd rom 3-6pm. Please bring completed vaccine consent form (available for download above) and a copy of your insurance card.


Yankton Medical Clinic, P.C. – Norfolk

3901 W. Norfolk Ave., Norfolk, NE. (Located at Fountain Point Medical Community)

Call 402-316-4606 to schedule an appointment for a flu shot.


Flu Symptoms  

The flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by a virus, the flu can be mild to severe. You may have some or all of these symptoms: 

  • Fever or feeling feverish/chills (not everyone with flu will have a fever) 
  • Cough 
  • Sore throat 
  • Runny or stuffy nose 
  • Muscle or body aches 
  • headaches 
  • Fatigue (tiredness) 

What to Do if You’re Sick  

Most people with the flu have a mild illness. If you get sick with flu symptoms, in most cases, you should stay home and avoid contact with other people except to get medical care. 

  • Rest 
  • Drink fluids 
  • Avoid contact with other people 
  • Stay home for 24 hours after a fever, without medication, is gone 

If your symptoms are severe, you are in a high-risk group or worried about your illness, contact your provider. The high-risk group includes young children, those over 65 years old, pregnant women and those with certain medical conditions. 

If you have any questions or concerns, contact your provider.

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All new parents are going to have questions.

In our resource, “Parent’s Most Commonly Asked Questions,” our pediatricians provide answers to these questions.

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